Who are we?
The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds is a citizens’ society organization with a real membership and structures across Bulgaria. Our members are people of all ages and fields of interest, united by their love for nature, wild birds and by the will to get to know them better and to contribute for their conservation.
We are happy to welcome new members to our organization and we encourage you to join us and to show your support for our Bulgarian nature.
The BSPB works for the conservation of wild birds and the sites and habitats that are important for them. We speak up for the right of existence of the wild, and thus we contribute for a sustainable use of natural resources and the welfare of mankind.
The BSPB defends the public interest and everybody’s right to a preserved nature and a healthy environment.
Our mission
Our mission is to work towards a world where people recognize the equal right to existence and to favorable conditions to all other biological species.
Our vision
A world where the use of natural resources is inextricably bound to procuring their sustainable natural restoration. A world where all humans have equal rights with regards to the use of nature and the benefits that come from it.
Partner of BirdLife International
The BSPB is a partner of BirdLife International – the leading global organization for the study and conservation of birds, founded in 1922. BirdLife International is a network of partner organizations in over 100 countries with more than 2.7 million members and 10 million supporters. For us it is an honour to be the partner of BirdLife International in Bulgaria.