Bulgarian society for the protection of birds celebrated the World Migratory Bird day in 8th of October together with the Sofia Zoo. We focused our attention on two iconic endangered species – the Egyptian vulture and the Saker falcon.
At the info point close to the aviaries of the Egyptian vultures the visitors of the Zoo were able to learn more about the two species from our experts and to donate to the activities for supporting the wild population of the vultures.
The two lectures in 12 and 14 o’clock gathered the curious visitors and they heard more in-depth information about our activities for the protection of the species as well as interesting facts about them.
The World Migratory bird day is a global campaign which takes place twice a year. Its main goal is to strengthen the understanding of the necessity of conservation of the migratory birds and their habitats. It focus on the dangers the migratory species faces along their flyway and the efforts which tens of organizations and volunteers around the globe take for their protection.
This year the event has been held within the projects Egyptian vulture New life LIFE16 NAT/BG/000874 и Life for Falcons LIFE20 NAT/BG/001162.
Photos: BSPB