What are SmartBirds and SmartBirds Pro?
SmartBirds and SmartBirds Pro are two separate applications for mobile devices under Android OS.
SmartBirds consists of a field guide for birds that breed in Bulgaria, a hunter’s manual and a simple digital notebook. The application has maps and descriptions of Bulgarian Natura 2000 areas for wild birds. SmartBirds is suited for beginner birdwatchers, nature lovers and hunters.
SmartBirds Pro is a digital field notebook for quick and easy recording of observations of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, protected and other invertebrates and protected plants. SmartBirds Pro is linked to the BSPB’s Information System for Biological Data located at SmartBirds Pro is suitable both for single entries by active nature lovers, as well as for carrying out specialized biological monitoring by experts.

Why should I make recordings with SmartBirds Pro?
The collected data are of great importance for nature conservation because updated knowledge about the distribution and numbers of wild animals are an inextricable part of their effective conservation.
What ‘pages’ does the digital field notebook have?
SmartBirds Pro has 4 main templates with the most necessary options for field data collection.

The greatest advantages of SmartBird Pro are:

SmartBirds Pro Top Watchers
You can be one of the Top 10 watchers in SmartBirds Pro – be one of the people who make the most observations in the wild and record them in their digital field notebook.
If you love nature and you wish to contribute for its conservation in Bulgaria, register in SmartBirds Pro and collect data from your observations quickly and easily.
SmartBirds – 3 in 1
A field guide of birds that breed in Bulgaria, a hunter’s manual and a digital notebook – all three in one place – it’s the popular SmartBirds mobile application.
Who can use SmartBirds?
Everyone who likes to spend their time outdoors, in the wild, everyone who is interested in Bulgarian birds and wants to learn more about them, and everyone who wants to contribute to an ethical, legally strict hunting.
What can I find in SmartBirds?
By downloading SmartBirds on your mobile device you get an online field guide of birds that breed in Bulgaria that you can use anywhere and anytime, even when you are offline. In contrast to bulky, heavy paper field guides this one weighs nothing and you can still use it outdoors.

The field guide
The online field guide includes descriptions for 269 species of birds that breed in Bulgaria. It contains photographs of the birds, distribution maps for Bulgaria and information on their appearance, food and habitat preferences, as well as the places in Bulgaria where we can see them. Brief information on their breeding, migration periods, conservation status and the threats for their survival is also included.
Digital notebook
Here you can store your observations and share them with friends via email or in the social media. To make it easier for use, the digital notebook has automated data, date and time entry, as well as precise location through the GPS of the device.

Hunter’s manual
The hunter’s manual contains information on 55 species of birds that are legal to hunt – all year round or with some regulation. It also includes protected species that are similar to game species and often are shot by accident during hunting. For these species there is a short description with an emphasis on the key identification features. This allows for quick identification, access to information about its status – game or not, and restrictions and seasons for the game species.
And more…
In SmartBirds you will find detailed information about the Natura 2000 areas declared for birds. The GPS location feature allows you to check the Natura 2000 areas closest to you and explore their boundaries in Google Maps.
SmartBirds was nominated best application globally by World Summit Award Mobile in their category Environment for 2014; the technology magazine HiComm described it as one of the most exciting Bulgarian mobile applications.