Тhe world of Kalimok
Full name
The World of Kalimok
The project aims to build on our ongoing efforts to establish the “Kalimok-Brashlen” Protected Area as a key destination for nature-based and educational tourism while preserving it as one of the most significant wetlands in the country and along the Lower Danube.
The project will focus on the construction of a birdwatching tower and a bird observation and photography hide in the “Kalimok-Brashlen” Protected Area. Simultaneously, already established services will continue to be offered, such as kayaking and boat tours along the Danube River and its islands with picnic opportunities, cycling tours, culinary demonstrations related to local fishing traditions, ornithological tours, and more.
The primary outcome of this project will be the creation of a comprehensive tourism product showcasing various attractions available in the “Kalimok-Brashlen” Protected Area, the town of Tutrakan, and the Danube River region.
18 months
Target areas
The “Kalimok-Brashlen” Protected Area near the town of Tutrakan.
The total project budget is BGN 165,790, of which BGN 149,090 is provided by the America for Bulgaria Foundation.
The America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF) is an independent, nonpartisan, and nonpolitical American grant-making foundation working in partnership with Bulgarians to strengthen the country’s private sector and related democratic institutions.
ABF builds on the success of the Bulgarian-American Enterprise Fund, an investment fund created in 1991 by the U.S. Congress with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development. For more information, please visit
Conservation of Greater Spotted Eagles in breeding and wintering areas, and on its flyway
Full name
Above the borders: conservation of Greater Spotted Eagles in breeding and wintering areas, and on its flyway
- Improve conditions in the Greater Spotted Eagle (Clanga clanga) breeding sites and increase its population in the EU.
- Reduce threats and secure key resting and wintering sites along the species’ flyway.
- Increase the survival rate of young eagles through chick rescue and reducing predation.
- Protect the breeding and hunting territories of the Greater Spotted Eagle.
- Combat illegal shooting and poisoning of eagles.
- Establish safe feeding platforms in the species’ wintering territories to improve its condition.
- Create an international network for the protection of the Greater Spotted Eagle.
- Protect the species in its breeding, wintering sites, and flyway.
- Protection and monitoring of the species’ feeding grounds.
- Increase protected areas and restore potential and known feeding habitats for the Greater Spotted Eagle.
- Increase the availability of feeding territories and identify the feeding preferences of the Greater Spotted Eagle.
- Installation of artificial perches in feeding areas.
- Protect the nests and nesting forests of the Greater Spotted Eagle.
- Expand the nesting territories for the Greater Spotted Eagle.
- Identify and effectively protect the nesting territories of the Greater Spotted Eagle.
- Rescue young eagles from the Avel line and protect them from predators like martens.
- Secure key roosting sites for migrating and wintering birds of the species.
- Build feeding platforms for the species.
- Actions against the illegal killing of the Greater Spotted Eagle, including setting up joint anti-poaching patrols with the involvement of law enforcement agencies.
- Make utility poles safer in the species’ wintering areas to reduce the risk of electrocution.
- Create an anti-poison dog unit in Turkey to combat poisoning.
- Tagging and monitoring of the Greater Spotted Eagle.
- Establish an international rescue network for the Greater Spotted Eagle.
- Raise awareness of the need to protect the Greater Spotted Eagle.
- Increase the capacity and train relevant stakeholders, national parks, and law enforcement agencies to reduce illegal bird killings and monitor the species.
01.09.2023 to 31.12.2027
Target areas
SPA Atanasovsko ezero (BG0000270), SPA Burgasko ezero (BG0000273), SPA Durankulashko ezero (BG0002050), SPA Kamchiyska planina (BG0002044), SPA Kompleks Belenski ostrovi (BG0002017), SPA Kotlenska planina (BG0002029), Ludogorie (BG0002062), SPA Mandra Poda (BG0000271), SPA Provadiysko-Royaksko plato (BG0002038), SPA Ryanovsti (BG0002001), SPA Sakar (BG0002021), SPA Shablenski ezeren kompleks (BG0000156), SPA Yazovir Rozov kladenets (BG0002022)
Poznań University of Life Sciences (PULS), Biebrza National Park (Poland), Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Estonian University of Life Sciences (EULS), Society for the Study of Nature (Turkey)
5,491,825.25 EUR, through the LIFE programme of the European Union.
Ancient Lands of the Flying Emperor
Full name
Ancient Lands of the Flying Emperor – Safeguarding the Eastern Imperial Eagle in Türkiye and Bulgaria
The project aims to conserve the Eastern Imperial Eagle in the transboundary region along the Bulgarian and Turkish borders along the European Green Belt by taking urgent first steps towards species conservation in the core of the Thracian subpopulation. We aim to share knowledge and raise awareness among the people living in areas where Eastern Imperial Eagles are currently nesting, by highlighting their ecological significance.
- Strengthen local capacity in the Thrace region of Turkey to support the conservation of the Eastern Imperial Eagle.
- Increase knowledge and identify threats to the Eastern Imperial Eagle population through surveys.
- Initiate collaboration with decision makers.
- Raise public awareness of the threats to the Eastern Imperial Eagle and measures to protect it.
- Other specific measures include the implementation of conservation measures and the development of an emergency species action plan.
From November 2023 to October 2025
Target areas
The project area is implemented in Kirklareli (Türkiye) and Yanbolu and Haskovo (Bulgaria).
The project is implemented by Doğa ve Kültür Derneği (DOKU) in collaboration with the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB)
57.802,50 € through the European Green Belt initiative.
LIFE23-NAT-BG-LIFE Rhodope Vulture
Full name
Restoration of the Cinereous vulture population and trophic chain in the Bulgarian-Greek cross-border region
The main project objective is to ensure the recovery of the Cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) in the vast cross-border Rhodope mountains.
- Decrease the main threats to Cinereous vulture in the project area (poisoning, poaching, lead-poisoning and collision with energy infrastructure).
- Improvement of the vulture populations in the region.
- Decrease the human-wildlife conflict to minimize the threat of poisoning to Cinereous vulture in the project area
- Establish a new colony of Cinereous vulture in the Rhodopes and safeguard the only currently existing breeding colony in Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park.
- Increase benefits to local communities by contributing to the development of a nature-based economy.
- Communicate and raise awareness about the role of vultures in nature.
60 months – 1/06/2024 – 31/05/ 2029
Target areas
Coordinating beneficiary: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB)
Associated beneficiaries: Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation, Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency (NECCA), Stichtung the Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF), CALLISTO Wildlife and Nature Conservation Society (CALLISTO), Society for the Protection of the Biodiversity of Thrace (SPBT), MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY (MEEN), Grupo de Rehabilitación de la Fauna Autóctona y su Hábitat (GREFA), GOUNARIS N. – KONTOS K. O.E. (HOMEOTECH), Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH), 2nd HUNTING CLUB OF ORESTIADA (2ND HCO), HUNTING CLUB OF STAVROUPOLEOS (HCS)
The LIFE23-NAT-BG-LIFE Rhodope Vulture project has a total value of 4 160 118 Euro and is co-financed by the LIFE Program of the European Union and the Rewilding Europe.
Full name
Climate resilient, natural water retention focused restoration of riversides and riparian areas adversely affected by human interventions along the Danube and its tributaries within the Danube Region
Promoting climate change adaptation capacities in the Danube Region and disaster management on transnational level in relation to environmental risks taking into account ecosystem-based approaches.
- Identification, screening and regular information and engagement of local and national policy makers, citizens and other relevant stakeholders, to sensitise and involve
- Channelling target group-specific knowledge, research results and applicable good practices into capacity building processes
- General information provision and communication activities
- Preparing and planning optimal management, restoration and intervention options for specified intervention areas
- Implementation of pilots, including small scale field measures with the highest demonstration potential
- Stimulating improved and more integrated water management, climate change adaptation and urban /land use planning within RESTORIVER countries and regions
- Influencing national and international planning and management policies in order to introduce more integrated and effective approaches in riverside management throughout the Danube Region
2.5 years
Target areas
Danube Basin and tributaries
Target species
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds – leading partner; National Administration “Romanian Waters”, Public Institution Maksimir, WWF Adria – Association for protection of nature and conservation of biological diversity, WWF Slovakia, Water Research Institute, WWF World Wide Fund for Nature Hungary, Municipality of Erd City with County Rank, Ruse Municipality, Tulcea Municipality, Romanian Ornithological Society, City of Sombor, General Directorate of Water Management, World Wide Fund for Nature Adria – Serbia, Public Union World Wide Fund for Nature Ukraine
2 412 655.60 Euro from which 1 930 124.48 Interreg Funds
Safe Sky for Birds in North-Eastern Bulgaria
Full name
“Safe Sky for Birds in North-Eastern Bulgaria” (LIFE21-NAT-BG-101074284)
The aim of the project is to prevent unnatural mortality among globally threatened bird species caused by electrocution and collision with overhead power lines by applying best practices in state-of-the-art solutions. The project targets 16 species of birds that are a priority for funding under the LIFE program – 15 of them are included in Annex I of the Birds Directive, 10 species are included in the IUCN Red List and 14 species are protected in Europe.
- Preventing unnatural bird mortality by isolating 10,000 dangerous electricity poles and marking overhead wires with 5,000 diverters in 28 Natura 2000 project areas and in key corridors between special protected areas;
- Creation of a system for future monitoring of bird mortality along all power lines in North-Eastern Bulgaria;
- Providing 100 safe nesting sites for two of the target species on hazardous electricity poles by installing birdhouses.
- Carrying out a specially designed field study on bird mortality along key sections of the overhead power lines in North-Eastern Bulgaria to determine priority sections for reconstruction
- Development of detailed plan and technical specifications for isolation of dangerous electric poles and marking of overhead cable lines with diverters
- Create a system/database to monitor the number and location of network outages caused by birds
- Prevent electrocution mortality of wild birds by isolating dangerous electrical poles
- Reducing the risk of flying birds striking overhead power lines on key corridors by installing diverters
- Installation of birdhouses for target species to provide safe breeding sites and prevent the construction of natural nests on power poles, which are risky both for the birds and for the normal operation of the power grid
- Monitoring the effect of conservation measures on priority bird species
- Assessment of the impact of the project on ecosystem functions
- Assessment of the socio-economic impact of project activities on the local economy and population
- Ensuring effective national and international media coverage of the project and promotion of the project and the Natura 2000 site
- Creation and maintenance of the project’s Internet presence
- Creation of communication materials, a short video, a layman’s report and billboards to advertise project activities and the Natura 2000 site.
5 years
Target areas
Nature 2000 sites – Balchik, Batova, White Rocks, Bilo, Marak Preslavets Swamp, Chairia, Durankulash Lake, Galata, Garvan Swamp, Khrsovska Reka, Kaliakra, Kamchiyska Mountain, Kalimok Complex, Kamchia Complex, Kotlenska Mountain, Lomovete, Ludogorie, Pozharevo Island, Vardim Island, Ovcharovo, Provadiy-Royak Plateau, Hadji Dimitrovo Fishermen, Mechka Fishermen, Shable Lake Complex, Srebarna, Suha Reka, Svishtovo-Belenska Lowland, Varna-Beloslav Lake.
Target species
Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus)
Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis)
Tundra Swan / Bewick`s Swan (Cygnus columbianus)
Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus)
Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus)
Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca)
Greater Spotted Eagle (Clanga clanga)
Hen harrier (Circus cyaneus)
Montagu`s Harrier (Circus pygargus)
Rough-legged Buzzard (Buteo lagopus)
Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus)
Merlin (Falco columbarius)
Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug)
Great Bustard (Otis tarda)
Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax)
European Roller (Coracias garrulus)
The “Safe Sky for Birds in North-Eastern Bulgaria” project is a joint initiative of EDN North – the electricity distribution company in North-Eastern Bulgaria, and The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds – a partner of BirdLife International in the country.
The project under the LIFE program of the European Commission is worth 2.176 million euros.
From Iron Curtain to Green Belt: restoring ecological networks in Southeast Bulgaria
Full name
From Iron Curtain to Green Belt: restoring ecological networks in Southeast Bulgaria
The project aims to demonstrate and pilot state-of-the-art restoration of xerothermic forests, grasslands, and riverine galleries to create a large network of viable ecosystems resilient to climate change and to secure the future of threatened species. This involves replacing 3180 ha of plantations with autochthonous woodland, creating 30 ha of riverine forest, enhancing pastures management over 700 ha, supporting the recovery of keystone and endangered flagship species, and influencing the future management of 810 000 ha. The local population will benefit from important ecosystem services such as fire prevention, food, and local products and economic opportunities such as wildlife tourism and marketing of nature-based products. The intention is to ensure that this landscape features in Bulgaria’s national restoration plan (obliged under the proposed EU Restoration Plan) to guarantee long-term management and is showcased both nationally, regionally, and globally to catalyse similar action by others.
- Restoration and protection of native forests and ensuring long term sustainable forest management along Bulgaria’s Green Belt from the Black Sea to the Rhodope mountains – replacing 3180 ha pine plantations with native oaks, creating 30 ha of riverine forest and established 1500 ha new protected areas.
- Enhancing connectivity in a large area through creation and restoration of a network of natural and semi-natural habitats (grasslands, treeline patches, wildlife ponds, highway underpasses) to guarantee the free landscape-scale movement of all native species including on continental scale as Europe’s second largest bird migratory routes cross the region.
- Recovery of key species and ecological webs (habitat, prey, predator, scavenger) with emphasis on conservation activities aimed at the threatened Egyptian Vulture, the Eastern Imperial Eagle, land tortoises and the European Souslik.
- Improving human-wildlife coexistence and reduced poisoning and poaching resulting in the improved conservation status of apex predators: wolf, jackal, and large eagles.
- Improving socio-economic prospects based on the natural wealth of the area.
- Improving awareness of nature conservation and pride in key species increased at local, national, and international levels.
01.10. 2022 – 01. 10. 2027
Target areas
Southeast Bulgaria – Sakar Mountain, Strandzha mountain, Dervent Heights, Eastern Rhodopes
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Southeast State Forestry Company (SSFC), Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation (RRF), BirdLife Europe and Central Asia (BLECA)
The project is funded by the Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme (ELSP) that is managed by the Cambridge Conservation Initiative – a collaboration between the Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge of The Old Schools and leading internationally-focused biodiversity conservation organisations. The University and the ELSP are supported by Arcadia – a charitable fund of Peter Baldwin and Lisbet Rausing.
The total project budget is 6,873,170 USD, of which 4,100,832 USD is the financial contribution of the ELSP.
LIFE Safe Grid for Burgas
Full name
Conservation of threatened bird species through retrofitting of hazardous overhead power lines around Burgas Lakes (LIFE20 NAT/BG/001234)
Preserving the breeding, wintering and migrating populations of threatened on EC level bird species by preventing unnatural mortality caused by electrocution and collision with overhead power lines around the Burgas Lakes, which is a bottleneck migration site for the birds flying between Europe and Africa.
Thus, the project shall contribute to the aim of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to halt the loss of biodiversity that is a core part of the European Green Deal.
- Developing a GIS database of power lines and distribution of sensitive bird species in the project Natura 2000 sites and wider region of the Burgas Lakes
- Carrying out a specially designed field survey on bird mortality along key sections of overhead power lines for identification of priority sections for retrofitting
- Developing a technical concept, technical specifications and detailed technical project for converting of hazardous overhead power lines into underground cable lines
- Developing a detailed plan and technical specifications for insulation of hazardous electricity pylons and marking overhead cable lines with “bird diverters”
- Complete elimination of collision and electrocution risks for wild birds by converting hazardous overhead power lines into underground cable. The project will remove 58 km of the existing hazardous overhead power lines and replace them with underground cable lines
- Preventing electrocution risk by insulation of hazardous electricity pylons.
- Reducing the risk of collision of flying birds with aerial conductors by installing “bird diverters”
- Monitoring of the effect from conservation measures on the priority bird species;
- Assess the project’s impact on the ecosystem functions;
- Assess the socio-economic impact of the project actions on the local economy and population
15.09.2021 – 30.09.2026
Target areas
Nature 2000 sites – “Burgasko ezero” SPA (BG0000273), “Pomoriysko ezero” SPA (BG0000152), “Atanasovsko ezero” SPA (BG0000270) and “Mandra-Poda” SPA (BG0000271)
Elektrorazpredelenie Yug / EVN – coordinating beneficiary
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds – associated beneficiary
The total project budget is 5,492,571 Euro, of which 4,119,428 Euro is EU financial contribution through the LIFE Programme
LIFE for Falcons
Full name
Securing the recovery of the Endangered Saker Falcon in Bulgaria and Southern Romania (LIFE20 NAT/BG/001162)
The overarching goal of this project is to enable the recovery of the endangered Saker Falcon’s population in Bulgaria and Southern Romania in line with the International Species Action Plan. By implementing a series of proven best practices, the project will provide safe dispersal areas, stopover sites, wintering grounds and potential breeding territories with suitable habitats for individuals emanating from the larger population in the Carpathian basin in Hungary and Slovakia that frequently visit Bulgaria and Romania.
- Mitigating the main threats for the species in key areas. Amongst the main threats are poaching, intentional poisoning or poisoning as a result of the excessive or wrong usage of pesticides, nests robbing, death from the electricity. We are planning to secure dangerous powerlines, to guard nests and to place nesting boxes on safe places for the falcons, working with the institutions, pigeon keepers, hunters, farmers and other stakeholder.
- Improvement the food supply in key territories for the falcon by maintaining the good conditions of the habitats, strengthening the souslik colonies, rescuing the souslik colonies in risk, pilot breeding and reintroducing of the Romanian hamster in new and suitable habitats, building wild pigeon lofts, etc.
- Improving of the nesting conditions for the species by placing platforms for nesting and planting local tree species.
- Significant improving of the engagement, knowledge and capacity building of key stakeholders for sustainable results. Creating a network of local supporters.
- Sharing the gained experience and best practices in restoration of the Saker Falcon, souslik, Romanian hamster and their habitats.
2021 – 2026
Target areas
Nature 2000 sites – “Burgasko ezero” SPA (BG0000273), “Pomoriysko ezero” SPA (BG0000152), “Atanasovsko ezero” SPA (BG0000270) and “Mandra-Poda” SPA (BG0000271)
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds – coordinating beneficiary
Associated beneficiaries:
Green Balkans
Romanian Ornithological Society
Union of Hunters and Anglers in Bulgaria
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The Habitat Foundation
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
The total project budget is 2,448,489 Euro, of which 1,833,239 Euro is EU financial contribution through the LIFE Programme
LIFE Danube Free Sky
Full name
Transnational conservation of birds along the Danube river (LIFE19 NAT/SK/001023)
To contribute to the aim of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services along the Danube river.
- To reduce and prevent direct and indirect bird mortality caused by electrocution and collisions with the power lines within 23 project SPAs and 9 IBAs.
- To increase the population of the 12 target species.
- To establish safer migration routes and habitats along the Danube river.
- To start/strengthen the cooperation between the key stakeholders and increase the efficiency of adopted measures on a transnational level.
The majority of project actions and investments are aimed to increase the survival rate of target bird species that are at present killed on their migration, roosting, breeding, or foraging habitats. The site-related actions will be carried out in the most valuable habitats.
- Preventing collisions of birds with power lines
- Preventing electrocution
- Monitoring actions
- Nesting and breeding opportunities
- Public awareness, dissemination, and networking activities.
The project activities in Bulgaria plan the BSPB team to conduct a field study and identify the most dangerous overhead power lines to the birds – the medium voltage (20 kV). The study will take place along the Danube river and within 10 Natura 2000 protected sites in Northwestern Bulgaria. BSPB will identify and select the most dangerous 160 km of these power lines, which will then be retrofitted by Electrodistribution Grid West AD, applying the best and most modern methods. A total of 1200 dangerous to birds electric poles will be retrofitted and another 15 km of powerlines will be secured with diverters in Bulgaria.
5 years – 01/09/2020 – 28/02/2026
Target areas
In special protection areas within NATURA 2000 (SPAs):
BG0002006 – Ribarnitsi Orsoya (SPA), BG0002104 – Tsibarsko blato (SPA), BG0002009 – Zlatiyata (SPA), BG0000247 – Nikopolsko plato (SPA), BG0000332 – Кarlukovski karst (SPA), BG0000240 – Studenets (SPA), BG0000615 – Devetashko plato (SPA), BG0002096 – Оbnova (SPA), BG0002083 – Svishtovsko – Belenska nizina (SPA), BG0002017 – Kompleks Belenski ostrovi (SPA)
Target species
Each of the target species are legally protected in all project countries. All of them are at risk of collisions with the overhead wires of above-ground electrical infrastructure or under the risk of electrocution (APLIC, 2012).
#1 The Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus)
#2 The Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca)
#3 The Great Bittern (Botaurus stellaris)
#4 The Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis)
#5 The Greater Spotted Eagle (Clanga clanga)
#6 The Lesser Spotted Eagle (Clanga pomarina)
#7 The European roller (Coracias garrulus)
#8 The Corn Crake (Crex crex)
#9 The Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug)
#10 The Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus)
#11 The Great Bustard (Otis tarda)
#12 The Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus)
15 partners from 7 countries – Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania.
Coordinating beneficiary: Raptor Protection of Slovakia (RPS)
The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) and
Electrodistribution Grid West AD are the partners in the project for Bulgaria.
The LIFE Danube Free Sky – Transnational conservation of birds along Danube river (LIFE19 NAT/SK/001023) project has a total value of 6 636 170 Euro and is co-financed by the LIFE Program of the European Union and the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.
Operational Programme Environment:
Conservation of the Imperial Eagle
Full name
Implementation of measures from the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in the Republic of Bulgaria
The project includes activities aimed at improving the conservation status of the Eastern Imperial Eagle based on the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Bulgaria. 2014-2022. The project objective is related to the restoration of the population of the species in Bulgaria and the occupation of the former nesting territories with preserved habitats.
- Mounting at least 1 artificial nest in all confirmed nesting areas
- Preparing artificial nests to attract this species to suitable habitats
- Artificial feeding of eastern imperial eagle pairs with average nesting success 1 young between mid March – end of July
- Artificial feeding of eastern imperial eagles during winter
- Undertake measures to avoid death of Eastern Imperial Eagles as a result of electrocution and collision with power lines
- Safeguard appropriately the poles posing a death risk to this species from electrocution and collision with power lines, within 5- km range from nests, and in areas with concentrated non-breeding species
- Study of power transmission and distribution network impact on Eastern Imperial Eagles in breeding areas
- Communication activities – raising public awareness about project activities and threats to the species.
36 months – 08.01.2021 – 31.12.2023
Target areas
Special protection areas within NATURA 2000 (SPAs): BG0002021 Sakar, BG0002059 Kamenski bair, BG0002058 Sinite kamani-Grebenets, BG0002057, Besaparski ridove, BG0002094 Adata-Tundzha and other SPAs where the species is subject to protection.
Coordinating beneficiary – Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds
Associated beneficiary – National Nature and Science Museum to the National Academy of Sciences
The project has a total value of BGN 879 980.72 and is funded by the Operational Programme “Environment”, under priority axis NATURA 2000 and biodiversity, procedure “Measures to improve the conservation status of birds – 2”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment funds.
Operational Programme Environment:
Conservation of the Saker Falcon
Full name
Implementation of measures from the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in the Republic of Bulgaria
The project includes activities aimed at improving the conservation status of the Saker Falcon based on the “Action Plan for Conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Bulgaria 2014-2022”. The project objective is related to the restoration of the population of the species in Bulgaria and the occupation of the former nesting territories with preserved habitats. This general objective will be achieved through the following specific objectives:
- Supporting the population and supporting the feeding bases of the Saker Falcon in the project areas;
- Reduction of existing risks to the species caused by anthropogenic factors.
- Improve the conditions for the Saker falcon (through artificial nests) in historical nesting areas and breeding spots of the species
- Improve the feeding basis of the species in the areas around established nests, through activities to improve the number of semi-wild pigeons in some of the settlements or undertake feeding
- Safeguard the sections of risky power lines part of the 20 kV network within a 5 km range around the occupied nests
- Assess the risk of electrocution and death of Saker Falcons as a result of the power transmission and distribution network equipment in the species nesting areas
- Communication activities – raising public awareness about project activities and threats to the species.
24 months – 08.01.2021 – 31.12.2022
Target areas
In special protection areas within NATURA 2000 (SPAs): BG0000270 Atanaskovsko lake, BG0002048 Suha reka, BG0002050 Durankulashko lake, BG0002061 Balchik, BG0002082 Batova and in other SPAs where the species is subject to protection.
Coordinating beneficiary – Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds
Associated beneficiary – National Nature and Science Museum to the National Academy of Sciences
The project has a total value of BGN 346,367.34 and is funded by the Operational Programme “Environment”, under priority axis NATURA 2000 and biodiversity, procedure “Measures to improve the conservation status of birds – 2”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment funds.
LIFE for Lake Varna
Full name
Demonstration of a pilot green infrastructure as a win-win solution for biodiversity and development in Lake Varna (LIFE19 NAT/BG/000839)
To test and demonstrate a large-scale green infrastructure that will achieve three main outcomes:
(1) Restoring key habitats for priority bird species and thus contributing to the achievement of the biodiversity conservation goals of the project Natura 2000 sites Varna-Beloslav Lake SPA (BG0000191) and Yatata SPA (BG0002046),
(2) Improving the ecosystem function of the severely damaged aquatic ecosystem of Lake Varna and
(3) Providing sustainable and economically sound solution for storage of dredged sediments from the ship channels to and from Varna Port.
- Preparatory actions
Development of a methodology for a comprehensive monitoring scheme of the bird and aquatic species in the Varna-Beloslav Lake and Yatata SPAs and analysis of the dredging sediments that will be used for the construction of the island. Elaboration of a detailed technical plan for the creation of an artificial island. Development of a set of measures for sustainable management of the Varna-Beloslav Lake and Yatata SPAs, analysis of the legislation. Consultation with the stakeholders. Development of a Project Communication Strategy and a Work Plan.
- Conservation actions
Creation of an artificial island for the benefit of wild birds and the aquatic ecosystem. Construction of wooden nesting platforms and nest boxes for priority bird species – one nesting platform in each of the two project SPAs. Alongside the construction work and the piling up of the dredged material, a physical, hydrochemical and biochemical monitoring will be taking place in order to keep track of the fine silt levels in the water body, the oxygen levels, as well as the effect on the aquatic ecosystem.
- Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
Monitoring the impact of the project activities on the conservation status of key species and the project SPAs. Evaluation of the project impact on ecosystem conditions and ecosystem services. Assessing the socio-economic impact of the project actions on the local economy and population.
- Public awareness and dissemination of results
Ensuring of an effective national and international media coverage of the project and promote a project Natura 2000 sites. Development and maintaining of a project website, production of communication materials, networking with other LIFE and/or non-LIFE projects. Promotion of the replicability and transferability of the project findings and results among key stakeholders and other interested entities. Establish of a demonstration info point.
- Project management
This includes all activities and tasks necessary for the successful start, implementation, monitoring and finalisation of the project.
5 years – 01.09.2020 – 31.08.2025
Target areas
Varnensko-Beloslavsko ezero (Varna – Beloslav Lake) (BG0000191), Yatata (BG0002046)
Coordinating beneficiary: Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company
Associated beneficiary: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds
The total project cost is 1,852,060 Euro and is co-financed by the LIFE Program of the European Union.
Moesian natural treasures
Full name
Moesian natural treasures – support for environmentally friendly tourism and bird conservation along the Danube and Western Stara Planina
The project is implemented in two phases: initial phase (up to 6 months) and main phase (30 months). In this phase it is planned to be made a revision focused on tourism and protection of the environment on municipal, regional and national planning and programming documents and options for synergetic parallel activities and initiatives will be assessed. The needs of the local people, the opportunities for development and the threats for the Natura 2000 sites, as well as the potential for building a network of active members and supporters of BSPB will be mapped.
- Gathering and analyzing information about natural and cultural potential and the offered tourist services and attractions in the area of the Western Stara Planina and along the Danube;
- Creating a web-based information system for the cultural and natural heritage of the regions;
- Organizing meetings with representatives of local (municipal) authorities, entrepreneurs, teachers and active people from the region;
- Conducting a preliminary (online) survey of attitudes towards and the image of cultural and natural resources of the regions;
- Conducting field surveys of birds and other important components of the biological diversity of Natura 2000 sites in the vicinity and around potential tourist sites;
- Identification of priority places important to birds and other elements / components of biological diversity, which should be interpreted as additional tourist attractions;
- Based on the expressed interest of local entrepreneurs and analysis of municipal development plans, identification of specific locations for the subsequent construction of light infrastructure – such as hides for bird watching and taking pictures, routes/paths around sites of local importance, suitable sites for camping, etc.
- Study of the potential for construction of information and tourist infrastructure (visitor center), managed on the principle of public-private partnerships in the region;
- Study of existing practices and development of a concept for a voluntary standard for nature-friendly tourism “For the birds”;
- Dissemination of the mission and activities of BSPB in the region, as well as the contribution of the America for Bulgaria Foundation;
- Re-establishing contacts with the network of schools and teachers in the areas of interest in environmental education and Natura 2000 and assessing the opportunities for further development of these initiatives;
- Preliminary assessment and development of concepts for events and materials for the promotion of the Western Stara planina and the Danube River valley as attractive destinations such as: guidebook, short videos for different parts of the Danube River and the regions. Publishing and distribution of a promotional video and information brochure about the project;
- Holding a final press conference/event to present the results of the project.
- Development of a detailed, substantiated project proposal.
The project will be implemented in two phases: initial phase (up to 6 months) and main phase (30 months).
Target areas
In the initial phase the activities will be carried out along the Danube river and Western Stara Planina. Efforts will focus on Natura 2000 sites.
Leading organization – Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB).
Part of the research activities within the project will be implemented with the support of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ” and the National University Center for Geospatial Research and Technology.
The project is funded by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. The America for Bulgaria Foundation is an independent, non-governmental, and non-political American charity that works in partnership with Bulgarian organizations to strengthen the private sector and democratic institutions in the country. For more information: .
Common Birds Monitoring
Full name
Осъществяване на схемата за мониторинг на обикновените видове птици като част от Националната система за мониторинг на биологичното разнообразие
Оценяване състоянието на широкоразпространените видове птици в България.
- Събиране и анализ на данни за широкоразпространените видове птици.
- Набиране на доброволци за събиране на данни за оценяване състоянието на широко разпространените видове птици.
- Анализ на слабо проучените райони и местообитания и определяне на пробни площадки в ключови места.
- Изготвяне на индекси за състоянието на птиците за националния доклад за състоянието на околната среда, издаван от ИАОС за целите на НСМСБР.
- Анализ на данните за видовете птици и определяне на набора от видове, съставляващи индикаторите за състоянието на местообитанията.
- Целенасочено събиране на данни от минимум 30 площадки в слабо проучени райони/местообитания, идентифицирани от анализа.
- Изготвяне на три годишни доклада за състоянието на широко разпространените видове птици.
- Провеждане на национална среща на доброволците, събирали данни за състоянието на широкоразпространените видове птици.
- Провеждане на три пресконференции за представяне на резултатите от мониторинговата дейност за състоянието на широкоразпространените видове птици.
3 years: 2020-2022
Target areas
Предприятие за Управление на дейности по опазване на околната среда (ПУДООС, МОСВ).
Citizens for Nature
Full name
Citizen’s Science in Support of Local Communities and Nature
Access and use of scientific data on topics concerning the environment and climate change:
- policy monitoring and advocacy;
- forming and maintaining partnerships between CSOs and public and private institutions and organizations;
- educational activities.
2 years (27.09.2019–26.09.2021)
Target areas
136 819 €, of these 123 129 € are provided by the Active Citizens Fund – Bulgaria.
Egyptian Vulture New LIFE
Full name
Urgent Action to Strengthen the Balkan Population of the Egyptian Vulture and Secure Its Flyway– LIFE16 NAT/BG/000874
The conservation of Europe’s easternmost population of the Egyptian vulture through urgent conservation measures for the elimination of the most serious known threats to the species in its breeding territories and along its migration flyway. The project objectives comply with the most recent strategic document for the conservation of the species: the Flyway Action Plan for the Conservation of the Balkan and Central Asian Populations of the Egyptian Vulture(EVFAP) – a key component of the Multi-species Action Plan to Conserve African-Eurasian Vultures (Vulture MsAP).
- Identification of the most dangerous overhead power lines for birds (medium voltage) in and close to Natura 2000 sites in Western Bulgaria.
- Prevention of bird deaths caused by electrocution on the power lines (medium voltage) in priority areas in Natura 2000 sites in Western Bulgaria and the most important connecting corridors between them through the insulation of 5400 electricity pylons and poles.
- A decreased wild birds mortality rate due to overhead power line collisions (medium voltage) in priority areas in Natura 2000 sites in Western Bulgaria and the most important connecting corridors between them through the installation of diverters on 120 km of overhead power lines (40 km three-line grid).
5 years and 5 months (01.07.2017–31.12.2022)
Target areas
Balkans: Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia, Albania;
The Middle East: Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt;
Africa: Ethiopia, Niger, Nigeria, Chad.
Coordinating beneficiary: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds
Associated beneficiaries:
1. Hellenic Ornithological Society / BirdLife Гърция
2. WWF Greece
3. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK (RSPB)
4. Doga Dernegi / BirdLife Турция (DD)
5. BirdLifе Middle East
6. BirdLife Africa
7. A. P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI)
8. Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia (CMS/RaptorsMoU)
9. Green Balkans
Life Birds on Power Lines
Full name
Conservation of Threatened Birds through Retrofitting of Hazardous Overhead Powerlines in Natura 2000 Sites in W Bulgaria
Conservation of the populations of threatened species of birds through a decrease in mortality caused by electricity infrastructure. The project will contribute to the conservation of many species of birds; the most affected among them are: Dalmatian pelican, Bittern, White stork, Lesser white-fronted goose, Red-breasted goose, White-tailed eagle, Egyptian vulture, Griffon vulture, Black vulture, Short-toed eagle, Long-legged buzzard, Lesser spotted eagle, Spotted eagle, Imperial eagle, Golden eagle, Red-footed falcon, Saker falcon, Roller.
- Identification of the most dangerous overhead power lines for birds (medium voltage) in and close to Natura 2000 sites in Western Bulgaria.
- Prevention of bird deaths caused by electrocution on the power lines (medium voltage) in priority areas in Natura 2000 sites in Western Bulgaria and the most important connecting corridors between them through the insulation of 5400 electricity pylons and poles.
- A decreased wild birds mortality rate due to overhead power line collisions (medium voltage) in priority areas in Natura 2000 sites in Western Bulgaria and the most important connecting corridors between them through the installation of diverters on 120 km of overhead power lines (40 km three-line grid).
- Protection of 900 dangerous nests of the white stork on electricity pylons and poles in Western Bulgaria through nesting platforms.
- Establishing standards for bird-safe overhead power lines. Design, production and testing of 40 prototype pylons in accordance with the new standards.
- Building up support among interested parties and the public in order to mitigate the conflict between wild birds and the overhead power grid, which is beneficial both for biodiversity, as well as for people.
5 years and 3 months (01.10.2017–31.12.2022).
Target areas
Natura 2000 network sites: Nikopolsko Plato, Devetashko Plato, Kresna, Svishtovsko-Belenska Nizina, Mesta, Ribarnitsi Orsoya, Berkovitsa, Rayanovtsi, Palakaria, Vrachanski Balkan, Slavyanka, Obnova, Zapaden Balkan, Sredna Gora, Melnishki Piramidi, Rupite, Kompleks Belenski Ostrovi, Zlatiyata, Ponor.
Coordinating beneficiary: CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD
Associated beneficiary: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds / BirdLife Bulgaria
Total budget of the project: 2 647 481 €; of these, 75 per cent are co-funded by the LIFE+ Programme of the European Commission, and 25 per cent – by the partners on the project.
Full name
Restoration and Sustainable Management of Imperial eagle’s Foraging Habitats in Key Natura 2000 Sites in Bulgaria– (LIFE14 NAT/BG/001119)
Restoration and improvement of feeding habitats for the Imperial eagle
- Preparation of a plan for the restoration of tilled and overgrown pastures.
- Mapping of tilled pastures in the vicinity of Imperial Eagle nests.
- Research on the Imperial Eagle’s diet.
- Research on possibilities for the natural distribution of the European souslik.
- Preparation of a National Action Plan for the Conservation of the European Souslik in Bulgaria.
- Restoration of 250 hectares of tilled pastures through sowing of grass mixtures or natural restoration of the grass cover.
- Restoration of 550 hectares scrub-overgrown pastures through the partial removal of the scrub in order to restore the mosaic appearance of the habitats.
- Management of 1400 hectares of pastures for nature conservation purposes through the creation of model farms for sheep, goats, cattle and horses.
- Testing of models for pasture management in Natura 2000 and preparation of recommendations for the future management plans of the Natura 2000 sites.
- Training for farmers in sustainable pasture management in the regions with present imperial eagles.
- Improvement of the nesting and feeding habitats of the imperial eagle through the plantation of 600 trees and the installation of 40 man-made nests.
- Pilot reintroduction of sousliks in one of the project Natura 2000 sites in the place of an extinct colony via the most recent methodologies for reintroduction of this mammal species.
- Popularizing sustainable agriculture among the farmer community and increasing the support for the conservation of the imperial eagle among local communities.
5 years (01.09.2015–31.08.2020)
Target areas
Protected areas from the Natura 2000 network: Sakar, Derventski Vazvisheniya 1 and 2, Zapadna Strandzha, Adata-Tundzha, Kamenski Bair and Sinite Kamani-Grebenets.
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds / BirdLife Bulgaria (coordinating beneficiary) and Agrofield EOOD, Biofield EOOD, KIT EOOD, Lavenda OOD, Malbreg EOOD, Sakar Nature Park Association, Odrissi EOOD and Ot Fermata EOOD (associated beneficiaries, farmers from Southeastern Bulgaria).
Total budget of the project: 3 555 173 €; 75 per cent of these are co-funded by the LIFE+ Programme of the EU, and 25 per cent – by the project partners.
The Lagoon of Life
Full name
Maintain the Man-Lake Symbiosis for the Benefit of Species and Habitats of EU Conservation Concern–LIFE17/NAT/BG000558
- To ensure a complete restoration of the ecological processes that sustain the unique biodiversity of Atanassovsko Lake Lagoon.
- To create a self-sufficient financial mechanism that allows the long-term protection of the Atanassovsko Lake Lagoon.
- To popularize the benefits from Atanassovsko Ezero Natura 2000 Protected Area.
6 years (to 30.09.2024)
Target areas
Atanassovsko Ezero Natura 2000 Protected Area.
Coordinating beneficiary: Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation
Associated beneficiaries:
- Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds / BirdLife Bulgaria
- “Chernmorski Solnitsi” AD
- “Zaedno 2011”
Total budget of the project: 2 525 618 €; 75 per cent of these are co-funded by the LIFE+ Programme of the EU, and 25 per cent – by the project partners.
The budget is distributed among the partners as follows: “Chernomorski Solnitsi” AD: 1 718 418 € (68 per cent); BBF: 606 665 € (24 per cent), BSPB: 107 202 € (4 per cent) and “Zaedno 2011”: 93 270 € (4 per cent).
LIFE for Eagles Forests
Full name
Preserve Key Forest Habitats of the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) in Bulgaria– LIFE18/NAT/BG/001050
Specific objectives:
- Improvement of knowledge on the species and its habitats in Bulgaria.
- Maintenance and increasing in area of the breeding, feeding and nesting territories of the lesser spotted eagle.
- Restoration of old feeding and breeding habitats for the species and formation of new ones.
- Improvement of the conservation effort for the lesser spotted eagle on the regional level.
- Identification of the main threats for the species and fight against them.
- Improvement of the public awareness and support for the conservation of priority bird species, their habitats and all Natura 2000 habitats.
5 years (02.08.2019–02.08.2024)
Target areas
- Executive Forest Agency
- Southeastern State Enterprise
- Northeastern State Enterprise
- Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds
Associated beneficiaries:
Total budget of the project: 1 986 260 €; 75 per cent of these are co-funded by the LIFE+ Programme of the EU, and 25 per cent – by the project partners.
Life RE-vultures
Full name
Conservation of Black and Griffon vultures in the cross-border Rhodope mountains– LIFE14 NAT/NL/000901
- To improve the knowledge about the causes of death among black and griffon vultures.
- To improve the knowledge about individual wanderings of both species.
- To reduce disturbance, poisoning and direct threats for the black and griffon vultures.
- To reduce the risk of lead poisoning.
- To improve the food availability for the vultures.
- To reduce mortality related to the electricity infrastructure.
- To find support in the local community, including through popularizing local businesses related to vultures and other wildlife.
- To popularize vulture conservation.
- To encourage cooperation with other nature conservation organizations.
5 years and 3 months – (01.01.2016–31.03.2021)
Coordinating beneficiary: Stichting Rewilding Europe
Associated beneficiaries:
1. Българско дружество за защита на птиците
2. Hellenic Ornithological Society
3. New Thracian Gold Bulgaria Foundation
4. The Vulture Conservation Foundation
Total budget of the project: 2 199 961 €. Funding is realized through the LIFE+ Programme of the EU and the project partners.
Pelican Way of LIFE
Full name
Conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican along the Black-Sea Mediterranean Flyway– LIFE18/NAT/NL/000716
Conservation of the Dalmatian pelican on the Balkan Peninsula through mitigation of threatening factors during breeding, migration and wintering, as well as through improvement of the nesting habitats of the species.
In Bulgaria the Dalmatian pelican breeds in Srebarna Lake and in Peschina Marsh on Persin Island. The course of the Danube River, the Burgas Lakes and the big reservoirs in the southern parts of Bulgaria are among the most important sites for the species during migration and wintering.
5 years and 7 months (01.09.2019–31.03.2025)
Target areas
27 Natura 2000 Protected Areas that are key to the Dalmatian pelican on its Black Sea-Mediterranean Flyway. In Bulgaria the Natura 2000 areas included in the project are 10: Srebarna, Kompleks Belenski Ostrovi, Shablenski Ezeren Kompleks, Burgasko Ezero, Mandra-Poda, Atanassovsko Ezero, Kompleks Straldzha, Yazovir Ovcaritsa, Studen Kladenets and Yazovir Rozov Kladenets.
Coordinating beneficiary: Rewilding Europe
Associated beneficiaries:
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds / BirdLife Bulgaria
Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR)
Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS)
Directorate of Persina Nature Park, Belene
Rewilding – Danube Delta
Total budget of the project: 1 773 676 €; 75 per cent of these are co-funded by the LIFE+ Programme of the EU, and 25 per cent – by the project partners.
Full name
Conservation of the Red-breasted Goose along the Global Flyway – LIFE16/NAT/BG/000847
Target areas
The Natura 2000 Protected Areas: Delta Dunării şi Complexul Razim – Sinoie; Shablenski ezeren kompleks; Balta Albă – Amara – Jirlău; Balta Mică a Brăileia; Svishtovsko-Belenska nizina; Mandra – Poda; Iezerul Călăraşi; Bertesti de Sus – Gura Ialomitei; Bertesti de Sus – Gura Ialomitei; Kompleks Belenski ostrovi; Burgasko ezero; Lacul Strachina; Ezero Durankulak; Atanasovsko ezero; and the lake complexes Kalikol – Taldikol, Akkol-Karasor-Uzynsor, Koybagar-Tyuntyugur, Manich Gudilo Lake and Tuzlovski Limani National Park.
5 years (September 2017–October 2022)
Coordinating beneficiary: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds
Associated partners:
1. Association for the Conservation Biodiversity of Kazakhstan/BirdLife Kazakhstan
2. Association of Romanian Hunters & Anglers
3. ROMSILVA National Forestry Agency – Small Wetland of Braila Natural Park
4. Ministry of Environment of Romania
5. National Naturе Park “Tuzlovsky Limani”
6. State Biosphere Reserve “Chenjie Zemli” Russia
7. Regional Ecological Organization “Renaissance”-Ukraine
8. Geese and Swans Study Group of North Eurasia – Russia
9.Romanian Ornithological Society/BirdLife Romania
10. “ABS Zharkol” Ltd–Kazakhstan
Total budget of the project: 2 557 817 €; 75 per cent of these are co-funded by the LIFE+ Programme of the EU, and 25 per cent – by the project partners.