The partnership between the BSPB and Electric Distribution South for the insulation of more than 3000 dangerous electricity pylons and poles in key habitats for the imperial eagle give results – the breeding pairs reached a record 35. The man-made nests also contributed to this positive tendency: 32 per cent of the active imperial eagle nests are on platforms built by volunteers.
Land for the imperial eagle
Together with farmers from Sakar and Western Strandzha mountains the BSPB completed the activities for the restoration and management of pastures as an imperial eagle habitat. For 5 years nearly 600 hectares were bought in the most significant territories for the imperial eagle around the existing nests of the species in Natura 2000 areas. Another 1400 hectares were rented from municipalities and private owners in order to be kept in a favorable condition for the eagles. The grass on more than 250 hectares of tilled pastures was restored, and more than 1000 hectares of abandoned and overgrown pastures were partially cleared of scrub to recreate the mosaic structure of the habitats.
The griffon vultures in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains reached more than 100 pairs
Our long-term efforts to save the last remaining population of the griffon vulture in Bulgaria led to a ten-fold increase – the number of breeding pairs rose from 10 in 1990 to 106 pairs in 2020.
Citizens for nature
We launched a large-scale project for citizens’ participation. 120 people of different age, profession and interest came together to learn about the ecological legislation and about their right to participate in the decision-making process.