Photo: © Atanas Delchev

At the beginning of December, the team of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) completed the installation of a total of 10 artificial nests for Saker falcons in Eastern Bulgaria within the framework of the project “Implementation of measures from the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in the Republic of Bulgaria (BG16M1OP002-3.027-0007)”, financed by the Operational Programme “Environment”.

The aim of the activity is to attract wandering birds to form pairs and nest in habitats suitable for the species.

© Атанас Делчев

© Атанас Делчев

When installing the artificial nests, the first step was the careful selection of suitable territories and specific trees. The sites are away from dangerous power lines and sources of disturbance such as roads, and are close to food resources. In many of the selected territories, wandering birds have already been observed, which gives hope that they may soon occupy the newly built nests.

The installation of a nest takes about a day, preparing the base of branches in advance, which is mounted on the tree using the alpine technique. The nests were placed after the end of the Saker falcon breeding season, mainly in the fall, so that the birds could find and build them in the winter or early spring.

© Николай Терзиев

© Николай Терзиев

The installation of artificial nests is an important part of the conservation activities carried out under the project to improve the conditions for the Saker falcon in historical nesting areas and breeding spots of the species.

© Николай Терзиев

© Николай Терзиев

The project “Implementation of measures from the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in the Republic of Bulgaria (BG16M1OP002-3.027-0007)” is funded by the Operational Programme “Environment”, under priority axis NATURA 2000 and biodiversity, the procedure “Measures to improve the conservation status of birds – 2”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment funds.