Photo: © Yana Barzova

This year, we witnessed a “conservation miracle”—the return of the iconic Egyptian vulture from the brink of extinction in Bulgaria.

After decades of dramatic decline, we recorded a visible increase in the species’ numbers, with 36 territories occupied by birds. Just five years ago, there were only 24.

Some of the new Egyptian vulture pairs have reclaimed territories in the Eastern Rhodopes and Northeastern Bulgaria that had been abandoned for more than 20 years! For the first time in several years, the Egyptian vulture is breeding again in the Rusenski Lom Nature Park area, which once hosted dozens of pairs.

This “miracle” is the result of tireless, focused, and long-term conservation efforts to reduce the threats to this emblematic species by numerous experts, scientists, and volunteers. For it to continue, we need your support.

We require funds to carry out conservation activities for the species in Northern Bulgaria in 2025. These funds will be used for:

  • Supplementary feeding of Egyptian vulture pairs in the area – providing additional food helps the birds raise their young and protects them from ingesting poisoned bait.
  • Guarding and rescuing chicks that fall from their nests during their first flight attempts – every bird’s life is critically important to the population of this globally endangered species.
  • Supporting the work of the local “vulture team,” consisting of dedicated individuals who have been caring for the species for many years. They monitor nests, provide feeding, guard chicks, and inspire their communities to love and protect the region’s nature.

To carry out these activities in 2025, we need 20,000 BGN.

You can donate via:

Credit Card:

Or through a bank transfer:
IBAN: BG53UBBS81551060107329
Bank: United Bulgarian Bank
Account Holder: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds
Purpose: Egyptian vulture + phone or email for contact

We sincerely thank you for your support!

Every campaign you help us realize for the protection of birds and Bulgaria’s nature already shows results. When you stand with us, the words on the page turn into reality, and… the miracle happens.